Operational Programme Knowledge, Education and Development (POWER)

POWER is a two-tier operational programme addressing the need for reforms in the areas of employment, social inclusion, education, health and good governance and providing direct support in areas where support at a national level is justified by objective considerations. In addition to EFS funds, the programme also provides funding under the Youth Employment Initiative. Therefore, support for young people under 29 years of age is provided under POWER and not under Regional Operational Programmes.

Support under POWER is also available for social innovations and development of international mobility, transnational cooperation and higher education.

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development is aimed at supporting employment, social inclusion, education, health and good governance.

POWER is also focused on supporting social innovation and transnational cooperation.

  • Funding under POWER is available for projects in the following areas:
  • employment and labour mobility
  • social inclusion and combating poverty
  • investment in education, skills and lifelong learning
  • strengthening effectiveness and efficiency of the state

Under the programme, entrepreneurs may apply for funding in competitions covering the following measures: