Export Development Plan (PRE) is a document defining the export strategy of the company and stages of its realization. Drafting of the PRE is the condition to apply for funds in the frame of the Passport for Export. The PRE is subject to merit assessment of the Regional Financing Institution (RIF). Positive verification of the PRE gives a possibility to apply for a subsidy in the amount of up to PLN 200 thousand.
According to the requirements of PARP, the Export Development Plan drafted by us includes the following elements:
- information on the date of commencing preparation of the document
- documents regarding the analysis of the competitive position of the enterprise in terms of products or services of the entrepreneur
- documents concerning selection of the target markets of the export activity
- documents concerning research of the selected target markets
- description of the current situation of the enterprise in the most significant areas of functioning and the forecast of expanding activity of the entrepreneur with special attention to development through export
- SWOT analysis for export of each type of products/services on each planned target market
- description of the export objectives and strategy
- recommendations for development of export activity
- indication and justification for selection of actions to be realized by the entrepreneur
- estimated costs necessary to finance actions for realization of the prepared strategy
- initial schedule for implementation of the export strategy
The European Union requires providing the Export Development Plan drafted by an external independent advisory company.
We have experience in drafting analyses of the market, competition environment of the market and of the potential of foreign markets. The team working on developing the PRE includes specialists in different areas which allows for professional preparation of the export strategy. Export Development Plans we create contain reliable data, good market analyses which is a condition necessary before entering foreign markets as it allows to assess the potential of the foreign market.
tel.: +48 71 338 65 30 | fax: +48 71 338 65 65 | e-mail: info@bosetti.pl